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Established in October, 2023, Project 31 caps the amount of new work in my studio at 31 paintings. 


The idea for this project was born of both necessity and longing.  My move out west in 2021 required major downsizing and a new way of ordering my remaining belongings.  Simply put, I hadn't the room to store a lot of paintings - nor spread out my studio as I had grown accustomed.  I needed to learn a new way of navigating interior space.


After several storage iterations over 2 1/2 years' time, a workable and peaceful solution emerged.  By capping my new work to 31, my concern over storing paintings has been eliminated.   


I wonder if the ever-changing results of Project 31 will not only bring a sense of calm, but also a perceptible increase in the quality of my work?  By capping my total in-studio inventory at 31 paintings, I'm forced to paint over, and thereby destroy, the lessor of the group in order to keep painting.  And keep painting I must!  As I do, the group of 31 will morph over time while hopefully gaining strength as a whole.


In a year or two, I may reach out to  galleries that are interested in representing me and my work.  If and when that happens, I'll be able to increase the number of paintings in my body-of-work diaspora. 


Until then, I'm excited to see what comes of Project 31.

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